Getting “trail-roaded” in Clinton County


An open letter to all Clinton County land owners … Apparently if you own property in the county, but don’t use it as the county sees fit, they can appropriate your property and use it for the “good” of the county.

The case I am making is in regards to the Rails to Trails being built on my parents’ property in Sabina. Everyone in the county is being told that the county and the Trail Coalition have acquired all the legal rights necessary to build this trail. My parents, however, have a legal deed to their property, and after spending thousands of their own dollars have found no evidence of a right-of-way existing on this property. My parents have asked the local police to remove the “trespassers” from their property. And at first they did. Now they seem to be directed to avoid getting involved.

Clinton County Parks Vice President Bob Thobaben told my Dad “they weren’t using the property anyway.” Hey Mr. Thobaben, I’m sure there are several parts of your property not being used. Maybe the county should open up your pond to all Clinton County residents?

My point is, shouldn’t the Rails to Trails and all other entities involved have to provide a “legal” right to the property they are building on?

Russell Fair


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