‘Law’ not manufactured by SCOTUS


Gary Brock gave the nation a good exhortation regarding the Leftists’ anti-Trump divisive animus. He said, “I hope the level of unreasonable divisiveness and anger will end soon; for the sake of our country and our people” (WNJ, 20 Jan., 2017).

In the same Journal issue the “Our View” editorial, “Trump: A President for all Americans (?)”, exhorted President Trump on Inauguration Day to “unify more than divide.” Whatever than means. The editorial intoned the spirit of the counselor: “We hope that President Donald J. Trump believes, and demonstrates that, he is everyone’s president.”

Just what he means by these exhortations is nothing but blurry at the end. Is Trump not the president of convicts? Welfare bums who work the system? Murderers in jail awaiting trial? Of course he his.

Indeed, our editor has “special interest” or “oppressed minority” folks in mind. He mentions them specifically and impugns Trump in accordance with his own evident personal interests:

“Trump, and his platform, and his nominees and their past actions and statements, have made it clear than anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender has a target on them. And any rights and gains they may have earned are in danger of being turned back as some may attempt to shove them back in the closet.”

Our editor might be reminded that we have a little ditty that we sing as a nation with words of adoration and yearning to and about our nation, a paean: “And crown thy good with brotherhood, thy liberty in law!”

And that “law” is not something manufactured by SCOTUS. It is not an evolutionary body of guidelines bobbing upon a some molten, flowing river of moral chaos. It is a standard divine right from wrong.

The president is the chief executive and enforcer of law. And those who pray for him ought to invoke the Almighty to strengthen him to pay close attention to moral law, indeed Divine Law! Those Ten Commandments. Particularly the one about “adultery” which comprehends all the other sexual prohibitions — fornication, sodomy, and bestiality. Such perversion belongs in closets where acts of shame are performed until they are repented of.

Such laws forbidding perversion our nation had until a renegade Supreme Court stripped us of them. We, like foolish sheep, have bowed to this renegade “Supreme Court.”

Yes, we look to President Trump for relief. We have been perverted long enough.

Michael Bray


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