Shooting stars in Clinton County Junior Fair: Mikala Hatfield, Cheyenne Jarrell, Ashley Delph, Hailey Fugate


The 2017 shooting sports event was held at the Clinton County Farmers & Sportsmen’s Club. Below are the results.

Archery Junior — 1st Mikala Hatfield, 2nd Ethan Gibson, 3rd Zoie McCandless, 4th Dirk Rinehart

Archery Senior — 1st Cheyenne Jarrell, 2nd Stewart Huston, 3rd Olivia Massie, 4th Andrew Delph

Overall Shooting Sports Junior — Ashley Delph

Overall Shooting Sports Senior — Hailey Fugate

Pistol Junior — 1st Addyson Oliver, 2nd Dayetonia Mabry

Pistol Senior — 1st Hailey Fugate, 2nd Garrison Bellman, 3rd Jacob Ritchey, 4th Elizah Mabry

Rifle Junior — 1st Ashley Delph, 2nd Bryce Huffman, 3rd Gavin Avey, 4th Daelin Maple, 5th Grayson Lykins, 6th James Deemer

Rifle Senior — 1st Matthew Ritchey

Shotgun Junior — 1st John “Drew” Dobyns

Shotgun Senior — 1st Timothy Ritchey, 2nd Jonathan Frye, 3rd Hannah Frye

From left are Hailey Fugate, Cheyenne Jarrell, Ashley Delph, Timothy Ritchey, Matthew Ritchey, Drew Dobyns, Mikala Hatfield and Addyson Oliver. left are Hailey Fugate, Cheyenne Jarrell, Ashley Delph, Timothy Ritchey, Matthew Ritchey, Drew Dobyns, Mikala Hatfield and Addyson Oliver.

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