WILMINGTON — The following report is generated from incident reports provided by the Wilmington Police Department. All those charged/arrested are presumed innocent until possibly found guilty in court. Charges may be dropped or changed in court.

Wilmington police recently processed the following reports:

• At 10:54 p.m. on Feb. 19, police received a report of an assault occurring at a Sparta Avenue residence. An adult female was listed as the victim. The suspect was indicated to be the victim’s boyfriend. Neither drugs nor alcohol were believed to be involved. The case was forwarded to the Clinton County Municipal Prosecutor for evaluation.

• At 12:28 p.m. on Feb. 17, a 21-year-old male reported an acquaintance stolen items from their South Walnut Street residence. The report lists a Craftsman tool bag, a DeWalt Saw Zaw with a 60 vost battery, and a battery starter as being stolen.

• At 9:49 p.m. on Feb. 15, a 57-year-old female reported she was the victim of identity fraud. The report indicates $53 was stolen from the victim’s bank account.


By John Hamilton

[email protected]