Massie boys 1 pin shy of knocking off Bulldogs

BATAVIA — One pin. One lousy pin.

That’s all that separated Clinton-Massie and Batavia in SBAAC American Division boys bowling Tuesday night at Batavia Bowl.

The Bulldogs remained unbeaten (7-0) in league play with a 2,777 to 2,776 win over the Falcons.

”Losing by one pin is never fun,” CM coach Tyler Hayslip said. “I was very pleased with the way the boys bowled in the individual round. When you have three bowlers average 200 in the first two games, something is going right.

“Bakers have been a challenge for us all year. Batavia was the better baker team tonight and kudos to them of making the come back.”

Mason Keck had a 266 game and 435 series for CM while Gavan Hunter topped the field with a 480 two-game set.

In the girls match, Massie fell by a 2,268 to 2,031 score.

”The girls bowled well even know it was a loss,” Hayslip said. “After game 1, it was going to be hard to come back (but) the girls settled in and bowled like they should have.”

Lacie Sandlin led Massie with a 380 series.


Jan 10, 2023

@Batavia Bowl

Clinton-Massie versus Batavia

Boys Results

Batavia 2777, Massie 2776 (1071, 962, 743)

CM: Mason Keck 269, 166; Corvin Pittenger 221, 185; Sam Massie 151, 186; Brandon Moritz 185, 190; Gavan Hunter 245, 235

Baker games 172, 194, 181, 196

Girls Results

Batavia 2268, Massie 2031 (638, 758, 635)

Mollie Miracle 113, 193; Peyton Bills 119; Khyla Jaramillo 130, 149; Lacie Sandlin 176, 204