Massie boys American Div. bowling runnersup

WILMINGTON — The Clinton-Massie boys bowling team finished second Saturday in the SBAAC American Division Boys Bowling Championship tournament at Royal Z Lanes.

Batavia won the tournament championship with Massie second and Wilmington third.

Mason Keck of Clinton-Massie was fourth in the tournament while Wilmington’s Austin Oglesby of Wilmington was fifth, Brandon Moritz of Massie sixth, Landon Mellinger of WHS seventh and Isaac Pletche rof WHS eighth.


Feb 4, 2023

SBAAC American Division

Boys Bowling Championship

@Royal Z Lanes



Top 10

Andrew Pride (B) 690, Brandon Baker (B) 627, Lexington Hounshell (NR) 614, Mason Keck (CM) 611, Austin Oglesby (W) 602, Brandon Moritz (CM) 601, Landon Mellinger (W) 599, Isaac Pletcher (W) 597, Nathan Fisher (WB) 588, Charlie Huhn (B) 576

Also, Gavan Hunter (CM) 520, Anthony Perez (W) 485, Sam Massie 414, Hayden Kelley (W) 302, Covin Pittenger (CM) 190