Hopkins talks history of the flag with English Club

Tracy Hopkins was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the English Club.

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English Club met recently in the McCoy Small Party Room. Members were greeted by hostesses Susan Henry and Frances Sharp. Tables were decorated with a patriotic theme for Flag Day. There were red, white and blue place-mats, napkins and centerpieces with a flag at every table setting.

Jane Walker served as president for the day and asked everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance that was led by Susan Henry. Sharon Breckel gave the blessing before the meal. After the delicious buffet luncheon, Tracy Hopkins, a member of the VFW American Legion Auxiliary, told us of the history and interesting facts about the flag. The pledge was written in 1885 and revised in 1954 when “under God” was added.

Hopkins told us of the significance of each of the 13 folds when folding the flag, and how a flag is respectfully destroyed. Following the program, the roll call, minutes and treasurer’s report were given. Eleven members were present along with Clarie Ropp, a guest.

Sunshine chairman, Joan Burge, had sent several “Thinking of You” cards and birthday cards to Barbara Davis and Susan Henry. We were reminded of Barbara Davis’s 90 birthday celebration on June 11 at the Aging Up Center on Nelson Avenue. The next meeting will be July 7, with Carolyn Horan as hostess.