Six and Twenty Club explores literary classics


On Friday June 23, the Six and Twenty and Twenty Club met at the First Christian Church in Wilmington. Presiding during the meeting was Judy Johnson.

Mary Ann Raizk read the minutes of the previous meeting. Margie McMullen was both hostess and program leader. She had chosen the book, “The Littlest. Library” by Poppy Alexander to circulate among the members.

It is a heartwarming literary themed novel about a woman who turns an ordinary red phone booth into the littlest library in England and brings together a struggling village. It’s about a small town, the importance of community, trusting in oneself and others, and the comforting and uplifting effect that the right book at the right time can have.

This year being a year of reflection, and as we celebrate 125 years, we are inspired by the C.S. Lewis quotation: “I can’t imagine a man really enjoying a book and only reading it once.”

McMullen decided to revisit three books from her library: Ian Fleming’s “Introduction to Jamaica” edited by Morris Cargill, “The Golden Lamb from the Inside” by Fred Compton and “World Walk “by Steven Newman.

Assisted by her daughter, Melinda Tilton, McMullen served ice tea and cookies. An arrangement of hydrangea from the garden of Ruth Ann Faris centered the table.

Members divided into various committees groups to continue plans for the upcoming celebration in October.

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