Schneder, Stump win top prizes at market goat show

The grand overall champion at Wednesday’s Clinton County Jr. Fair market goat show was presented to Delaney Schneder. From left to right, Goat Ambassador Shaleigh Duncan, judge Kevin Gump, and Delaney Schneder.

Photos by Phyllis Cocklin

The grand overall champion at Wednesday’s Clinton County Jr. Fair market goat show was presented to Delaney Schneder. From left to right, Goat Ambassador Shaleigh Duncan, judge Kevin Gump, and Delaney Schneder.

Landree Stump won the reserve overall champion at the market goat show. From left to right, Goat Ambassador Shaleigh Duncan, judge Kevin Gump, and Landree Stump.

Oustanding exhibitors at the market goat show, left to right: senior exhibitor Jaden Snyder, Goat Ambassador Shaleigh Duncan, and junior exhibitor Millie Snively.