WHS Class of ‘73 celebrates 50th reunion

Wilmington High School Class of 1973 recently celebrated its 50th reunion.

Photo submitted by Nancy McKay

WILMINGTON — Wilmington High School Class of 1973 celebrated its 50-year reunion the weekend of June 23. Two main events held throughout the weekend were attended together or in part by 71 classmates and 37 guests.

The festivities began at the home of Tim and Jean Haley, who hosted a gathering on Friday night before proceeding to the TinCap in downtown Wilmington.

On Saturday morning, classmates reminisced touring Wilmington High School. Pictures and stories were shared of the past 50 years.

The social hour started the Saturday evening festivities with guests arriving to The Elks Lodge #797 decorated in school colors of orange and black.

Shortly thereafter, class members made their way to the golf course for the class photo by Alan Gibson. Upon their return, classmates joined their guests in prayer given by classmate Pastor Fred McCloskey before enjoying a buffet dinner catered by the lodge.

At the mid-point of the evening, a class meeting was called to order. Members of the planning committee were introduced. Committee members included class president Mark Taylor, Nancy Foland McKay, Karen Rulon Gibson, Gary Fisher, Tim Haley, and Dan Cox.

Taylor welcomed the class and thanked those who assisted in any preparations. Classmate David Hinman gave a remembrance for the 43 classmates who are deceased. Tim Haley spoke of deceased classmate and best friend, Tim Wilson. A single candle was lit in remembrance to honor them.

After the business portion of the meeting concluded, classmate Kay Brewer was introduced. Classmates had behind their name tags a “free” token naming a past local business. Many laughs were shared as some classmates had parents that were employed by one of the businesses.

Throughout the evening, 70s music was provided by local DJ Gary Creek. The evening was spent enjoying the music and memory booklet given to each classmate composed by Karen Rulon Gibson.