‘It hits close to home’


WILMINGTON — Local residents are invited to participate in a meaningful event on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the corner of Walnut and Main streets near the Clinton County Veterans Memorial. The event, known as “Silent Watch,” is organized every September to raise awareness for Veteran Suicide Awareness Month.

During the Silent Watch, participants are asked to sign up for 20-minute shifts, during which they stand in silent vigil as a tribute to veterans and to draw attention to the issue of veteran suicide.

To join this important initiative, please call (937) 382-3233 to sign up for your preferred time slot. According to organizers, the community’s involvement can make a significant impact in promoting awareness and support for our veterans.

Jeff Rollins, executive director and veteran service officer, shared his thoughts on the event: “It’s a statewide event conducted in September annually to raise awareness for veteran’s suicide month. It’s a very great cause that extends our support as a local community and nation. I personally have lost brothers and sisters at arms, so it hits close to home.”

For questions or more information, please reach out to the provided number.

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