New Vienna author hopes new story brings comfort


NEW VIENNA — A local recently had another story published in “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” but this time it’s a bit more personal.

Katrin Babb’s new story “In Good Hands” is in the collection “Angels and the Miraculous,” which was released on Sept. 26. In the story, Babb recounts her own miraculous encounter involving the spirits of her mother (Janet) and Babb’s child, who tragically died during birth.

This story is Babb’s second contribution to the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” collection. The first time was back in November for the “My Wonderful, Wacky Family” collection. Her first story was called “Breakfast with Raphael,” which was about a rough time for a friend of hers who lost her job during the 2008 recession. This resulted in the friend having to move in with their sister.

Babb came up with the idea for this new story after receiving the prompt in an email from “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”

“When I published the first one, they put me on a list with other writers who were published in the past and sent us an email letting us know what the next one was,” she said.

The theme for this collection was described by Babb as “unexplainable events” and “getting messages from the beyond.”

After reading the prompt, she felt like it was the right time to tell this story.

She shared that back in 2009, her mother passed away from cancer, then her pregnancy with her son “didn’t work,” as she stated.

“I woke up and it was dark in the room, and I saw my mom and I saw her holding what appeared to be a baby and a tiny hand holding her finger,” she recalled.

She told the News Journal she usually writes lighter stories. So, writing this one was more emotional.

“I had to wipe away tears the whole time,” she recalled. “But I am happy to share the story.”

Babb said she hopes that this story brings comfort to those who have suffered some sort of loss, whether it be the loss of a parent, loss of a child, or anyone significant.

Reach John Hamilton 937-382-2574

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