East Clinton Class of 1973 celebrates 50th reunion


The East Clinton Class of 1973 held its 50th reunion celebration on the weekend of Sept. 15 and 16. On Friday, Sept. 15, 30-plus classmates and friends met and took a tour of the old East Clinton High School building, which is scheduled to be torn down after the completion of the new middle school. Afterwards, they gathered at the football field for a tailgate party and watch the football game between the EC Astros and Hillsboro.

On Saturday, Sept. 16 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m., 42 classmates and 27 spouses/friends attended the reunion celebration at the New Vienna Community Room/Fire House. A display table was set up to honor classmates who served in the armed forces as well as spouses of veterans. There was a memory table with pictures of 24 classmates who passed away. There was also a table set up with memorabilia from high school days.

Everyone enjoyed spending the evening together catching up on the last 50 years of life while eating the great appetizers and drinks provided by Shoelaces Catering. A fun game of East Clinton trivia was played by classmates and guests. Awards were given to Serena Uible for traveling the farthest (Arizona), Kathy Fisher Johnson for being married the longest (50 years), and Peggy Curtis Mercer for having moved the most (20 times). The evening ended with everyone saying they wished they had more time to visit.

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