EC Great Oaks FFA Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team named state champs


The East Clinton Great Oaks FFA Parliamentary Procedure teams have both had great success this year in their competitions.

Both Advanced and Novice Teams placed first at Sub-Districts. Both teams went on to compete at districts and placed first there as well.

Afterwards, both teams moved on to compete at the state level, where the Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team placed first and will move on to compete nationally in the fall of 2024. This team never lost a competition. They were also first in state testing and then first in prelims, and first in finals.

This is a great accomplishment as they will become the first ever parliamentary team to compete at National Convention from East Clinton.

The advanced team placed first overall at districts and then went to compete at state, but ran into some bad luck in the contest seeding and placed second in their heat, barely missing finals.

The Advanced Team Parliamentary members were president Sydney Beiting, secretary Payton Spurlock, Owen Roberts, Jacob George, Madi Frazer, Hadlie Clark, and Karson Jamison as the alternate.

The Novice Parliamentary Team members were president Kendall Debold, vice president Taylynn Spurlock, secretary Tessa Terrell, treasurer Aiden McQueen, reporter Samantha Woodruff, sentinel Ben Cline, student advisor Carson Carey with Sahara Tate, Madison Roberts, Grace Wiseman, and Paiton Kidder as alternates.

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