Six and Twenty Club holds Christmas meeting at Cape May


The Six and Twenty Club met for its Christmas meeting on Dec. 8 at the Cape May Campus Center, hosted by Susan Douglass. The large Christmas tree in the bay window and the decor on the tables created a festive atmosphere. President Patti Cook called the meeting to order. She welcomed guests and new members for 2024, Jill Borton and Dr. Ruth Dooley. Secretary Mary Ann Raizk called for quotations from the members which centered on thoughts of the holidays comic and serious. The minutes were approved as read.

Cindy Petrich reported on the historical minutes from Dec. 4, 1998. The Christmas meeting was held at the home of Susan Ertel. Guest speaker, Hugh Heiland, gave a dramatic reading of “A Cup of Christmas Tea,” and shared a poem, “What Shall I Wish You for Christmas?” Karen Buckley will give the historical minutes at the next meeting.

Carrying on the tradition of inviting guests to the Christmas meeting to sing or read, Raizk introduced her husband, David Raizk. Raizk was a student of Heiland at Wilmington College and a great friend of a past presenter, Steven Haines. Raizk read highlights from “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson. It is a tale of the Herdmans, the wild bunch of kids in a small town, who come to church for the free food, and end up starring in the Christmas play, showing everyone the real meaning of Christmas. The program ended with the singing of carols, accompanied by Barbara Leeds.

Cook announced that the next gathering of the group will be on Jan. 26 at the First Christian Church, with the program and hosting done by Mindy Henson. Members then chatted and enjoyed lime sherbet punch and a variety of sweet and savory snacks brought in by everyone.

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