Community Action releases 2023 statistical impact report


The purpose of Clinton County Community Action Program, Inc. is to provide services to its clients to work toward self-sufficiency, while expanding resources to improve the lives of residents in the communities they serve. According to a news release, in 2023 Clinton County Community Action assisted individuals in the county with multiple services:

· The agency manages four senior housing projects – Blanchester Senior Villas, located on Madalyn Loftin Drive in Blanchester; Clinton Commons I, located on Commons Lane in Wilmington, Clinton Commons II, located on Jeanie Wilson Way, located in Wilmington and Community Commons on Community Drive, also located in Wilmington. In addition, the agency manages two family housing projects – Clinton Glen, located off Thorne Avenue and Wilmington Apartments located on Howard Street, both complexes are in Wilmington. The properties combined consist of 262 apartments. In 2023 housing was provided to 376 individuals. The complexes are Tax Credit funded which is housing for individuals who make too much for subsidized housing but not enough for market rate housing.

· The food pantry served 753 boxes, assisting 1,461 individuals with food valuing $122,900.

· Twenty-seven gas cards were distributed to assist clients with medical transportation for appointments outside of Clinton County.

· The Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) weatherized 67 dwellings with an average value of over $7,979.60 materials installed per home.

· The Home Delivered Meals program delivered 34,322 meals across Clinton County, while 3,416 meals were served to senior participants in the Congregate Meals program. In addition, 4,437 Passport meals were delivered.

· There were 1,316 rides provided to seniors for a variety of needs such as medical appointments and grocery shopping.

· Other senior assistance programs include: 10 households received monthly food boxes and 25 households received a monthly commodity box, providing food assistance, and 663 seniors were assisted with Supportive Services such as Medicare Part D/Medicaid applications and assisting with bill payments.

· New in October 2023, 450 clients were involved in Socialization Activities which include dinner outings, exercise classes, pool, cards, Mexican train dominoes, cornhole, chair volleyball. All of which provide social activity and exercise both for the body and mind.

· The Aging Up Senior Center provided a facility for individuals 50-plus a place to socialize, exercise and participate in activities which in turn assists in improving their overall health. In 2023, with financial support provided through a grant with the Clinton County Commissioners and the Clinton County Foundation a new exercise facility was built providing a well-equipped facility for seniors to exercise to enhance their health.

· Through donations and grants a beautiful garden space was maintained for seniors to obtain fresh fruit and vegetables. There were 25 garden spaces maintained with seniors developing and working their lots and sharing with their neighbors. Twelve garden beds were added to a family/community garden area to enable individuals to receive fresh produce.

· Cleaning services were provided through the Homemaking Program to 26 different clients.

· Head Start has 85 federally funded slots. In 2023 we served a total of 103 children, turning over only 18 children during the school year and serving 95 families. Of these children 78 were below the federal poverty guidelines, 18 were homeless, 15 had a documented disability and were on an IEP, 11 were foster or kinship care children (children being raised by individuals who are not their biological parents.) 95 of our children left the program with up-to-date physicals and immunizations. 86 had a dental screening. All children attend all day, 7 hours a day programming Monday – Friday.

· During 2023 the Clinton County Early Learning Center serviced 107 children. In 2023, the ELC opened a seventh and final classroom. Currently the ELC is licensed to serve 16 infants in two classrooms, 24 toddlers in three classrooms and 36 preschoolers in two classrooms.

· There were 3,010 applications completed to assist families with their heating and cooling bills through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), Winter Crisis Program (WCP), and Summer Crisis Program (SCP)

· There were 120 individuals assisted with water assistance through the LIHWAP program.

· In 2023, the Mobile Mammogram Unit saw 64 individuals.

· Rental/Homeowner assistance was provided through three separate programs: UAP funds provided assistance to homeowner 147 households with homeowners insurance, taxes, and utilities with total assistance of $260,608 provided; ARPA-HRG funds provided assistance to 546 households with 201 being new clients and funds spent assisting with rental arrears totaling $681,944.

· Christmas gifts, hats, gloves, pajamas, underwear, and socks, through donations from local churches and businesses were provided to 106 children.

· Christmas stockings were provided to 12 senior citizens through donations from staff and People’s Bank.

· Five individuals were assisted with vehicle repairs.

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