Goodwin, Terrell win big at 4-H Rabbit Fun Show


The Clinton County Fur and Feather 4-H Club hosted a rabbit fun show on Wednesday, June 12 at the Clinton County Fairgrounds Rabbit Barn.

Emily Goodwin won Best In Show and Best 6 Class rabbit with her Black New Zealand doe. Ace Terrell won Best 4 Class with his Florida White. Jordan Phipps was the judge for the show.

Other results included:

Best of Breed Jersey Woolie – Macey Mann

Best of Breed Dutch – Brody Hoff

Best Opposite Breed Dutch – Austin Burden

Best of Breed Mini Rex – Gage Brandenburg

Best Opposite Breed Mini Rex – Gage Brandenburg

Best of Breed Florida White – Ace Terrell

Best Opposite Breed Florida White – Ace Terrell

Best of Breed Californian – Katy Smith

Best Opposite Breed Californian – Ace Terrell

Best of Breed Silver Marten – Emily Goodwin

Best Opposite Breed Silver Marten – Emily Goodwin

Best of Breed New Zealand – Emily Goodwin

Best Opposite Breed New Zealand – Emily Goodwin

The club also hosted a class of mini rex for members to practice for the fair judging contest and a breed identification test for practice as well.

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