Take the time to talk to Samantha Meadow



Summertime is a time for festivals and fairs. Politicians like to visit as many of these as possible. The Ohio 2nd Congressional District covers 15 counties in southeastern Ohio. It is a huge undertaking to cover each of them.

I have had occasion to hear Samantha Meadow speak. She is running for U.S. Congress, Ohio 2nd District. I found her to be sincere, enthusiastic, energetic and courageous. It takes a certain amount of grit to run for Congress as an average citizen. One of her philosophies is “rather than constantly complain, do something about it.”

As a former AmeriCorps member and a former Advanced EMT, Samantha has taken time off from the Girl Scouts to run her campaign. She has dedicated her career to helping people. She will put the people of the 2nd District ahead of special interests and the people before party.

She believes the House should get to the business of governing, not creating chaos. She will accept the election results, supports the Rule of Law and believes no one is above the law.

If you see her at your local festival or fair, approach her, she would be glad to hear from you.

Don Spurling

Wilmington, Ohio

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