Jefferson Twp. School alumni hold 101st meeting


The 101st meeting of Jefferson Township School was held on Saturday evening, June 8, at the Westboro Community Church Fellowship Hall.

Graduates and guests began filling the hall at 4 p.m. The meeting of old friends and schoolmates began a time of happy socializing. The hall was decorated in the traditional school colors of red and white. Alumni president Ed Pagett called the meeting to order with the: “Ringing of the Bell” 12 times, signifying the beginning of each school day with each grade being called to enter the school building to begin their classes. Alumni treasurer and former principal of Jefferson Elementary School, Darlene Kassner, and former Jefferson student, Barbara Daulton, carried out registration at the doors. The pledge of allegiance was led by American Legion Post #179 of Blanchester, Legionnaire, Chuck Culberson. The invocation was given by former Clinton County Schools superintendent, Rod Lane.

After the prayer, Pagett called the graduates and friends to get their meal prepared by McCoy’s Catering of Wilmington and the evening began. The business of the association was carried out with motions and approvals from the attendees of the secretary’s minutes and treasurer’s reports. Donors from the past year were listed within these reports.

A time of reminiscing began with Pagett reading notes from those who were unable to attend and one person in attendance. A card had been sent out with the invitations asking for memories about the old days of Jefferson Township School. Out of 532 graduates from the high school, it is thought that there are 41 living alumni. The school was disbanded as a high school in 1959, when consolidation of the 12 Clinton County schools required by the State of Ohio and supervised by then Clinton County Schools superintendent, Walter N. Nichols, began with Jefferson High School being the first school to undergo the process.

Recognition of Attending Alumni: Certificates were presented to the following alumni present for the evening. Attendees whom, through consolidation graduated from Blanchester Local Schools but attended most of their school years at Jefferson were recognized as follows: Charles Culberson, Class of 1961; Ken Larrick and Rod Lane, Class of 1960. Honors Class of 1959 or 65 years out of high school: Peggy Fugate Allen, Richard Culberson, and Don Walker. Honors Class of 1954 and former Jefferson School secretary of 34 years, Joyce Crosley Barker. Various other class attendees were: Class of 1955: Robert Osborn 69 years out of high school; Beverly Kratzer Maddox, Class of 1956, 68 years out of high school, and Violet Van Vuren Osborn, Jefferson High School Class of 1957, 67 years out of high school. Finally, the earliest attending graduate of Jefferson High School was Charles Ostermeier, Class of 1951, who received a gift of recognition, 73 years out of high school.

The next item was the necrology report of deaths since the last meeting in June of 2023: Carl Larrick, Class of 1946; Charles A. Fisher, Class of 1948; Howard E. Osborn, Class of 1952; Nancy Walker Browne, Class of 1957; Nadine Moore Carpenter, Class of 1957; and Jesse Achor Irvin, Class of 1957. In addition word has been received that Friend of Alumni, Timothy Redmond of Lakeland, Florida passed away Sept. 1, 2023. Tim was in Jefferson Class of 1965 and attended until consolidation.

One alumni from the floor spoke for several minutes about her memories of Jefferson High School and this was Class of 1959, Peggy Fugate Allen.

Recognition of service to the Jefferson alumni was cited for roving photographer, Rosie Pagett. She has tirelessly recorded in pictures for alumni meetings for the last five years. The alumni appreciate her work, as well as Eileen Tedrick, Westboro Church representative, who has supervised the kitchen and answered questions about how the room is to be left in order for the church to move on after the event.

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