Midnight madness practice opens WHS football season


College basketball teams made famous the midnight madness practice to officially start their seasons.

The Wilmington High School football team is taking that step as well.

Led by head coach Ryan Evans Sr., the Hurricane will storm Alumni Field at 12:01 a.m. Aug. 1 to officially kick off the 2024 football season.

“This takes us out of our comfort zone,” said senior Zane Smith. “You have to have some kind of drive to play at midnight. Man, I’m not even up past 11 … but it’s something you’ll remember for a lifetime.”

On the football team’s page on Twitter.com or X, it says the midnight practice is the inaugural event and the hope is to create new traditions for Hurricane football.

The public is invited to attend the opening practice and share a night under the lights as WHS eyes its Aug. 23 opener at Cincinnati Northwest.

Smith said, “The players had nothing to do with it. We were completely taken by surprise. It’s cool to do something different, get the community involved. Kind of exciting.”

”I don’t know how many people will show up because it’s so late, on a Thursday but I think it’s a good idea,” said senior Luke Achtermann. “In future years it can be made to fit in people’s schedules better.”

Normally teams practice early in the morning on the first day of official practice. For that reason, Achtermann’s all about a midnight practice.

“I’m not an early person,” he said. “I can’t wake up (early) so midnight is better.”

Said Bryant Conley, also a senior, “I was a little scared. The first thing going through my head was midnight practice … are we going to have to practice again that same day?”

Malachi Cumberland, as a senior a veteran of the football practices on steamy hot days in July and August, said the late night gathering will offer much-welcomed relief.

“No one could complain that it was going to be hot,” he said.

And he doesn’t expect anyone to have an issue staying up that late.

‘We’re young and used to staying up late,” said Cumberland.

Michael Streety, senior, normally gets to sleep around 10 p.m. but will make the adjustments necessary to perform at a high level at midnight.

“I have to make sure I energize myself, make sure I’m prepared for when it comes … quick nap, eat right, be ready,” he said.

Senior Braxton Starkey said it took a while for the idea to sink in but believes it’ll have long-term benefits.

“Still a week after I heard about it, I questioned it,”he said. “Normally I’m in bed at that time but it’ll be a lot cooler. Under the lights, the young guys will get to experience being under the lights sooner than normal.”

Jake Stephens, a senior, and others on the team talked about a late-night practice but never thought it would come to fruition.

“We thought it would be fun to get out with the team and do all that stuff … under the lights, energy high, vibes are good,” he said.

Senior William Hildebrandt said, “I’ve never heard of this idea but I think it’ll be pretty fun.”

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