Commissioners discuss courthouse renovation plans with architects


WILMINGTON — This week, the Clinton County Commissioners continued their discussion with architects Nestor Melnyk and Allen Williams from MSA Design, based in Cincinnati, to refine the renovation plans for the historic Clinton County Courthouse.

This session focused on the pricing structure and the phased approach for the renovation project.

Melnyk reiterated the complexity and significance of renovating the courthouse.

“The courthouse is a very old historic building with a lot of unknowns. We would like to go in and study the building again so we can see what we’re getting into and define the scope and a master plan,” he said.

The architects confirmed that the initial planning and scoping phase would be billed at an hourly rate. Then a fixed fee will be established based on the comprehensive master plan.

The commissioners emphasized the necessity of these renovations to address the courthouse’s aging infrastructure. They noted the importance of ensuring the building remains functional and safe for public use. “Many areas just need paint, new flooring, and possibly light electrical work,” the commissioners observed, highlighting the urgent need for these updates.

Melnyk provided an overview of the project’s potential timeline. An accelerated schedule could see bidding in January and construction starting as early as February. He estimated a construction duration of about seven to nine months, dependent on the chosen phases.

The architects proposed breaking the project into phases, including a finishes package, a renovations package, and a restroom package. Melnyk highlighted that restrooms could be particularly challenging due to plumbing and building code requirements, but assured that they would strive to make them as accessible as possible.

The commissioners discussed beginning with the simpler tasks, such as painting and flooring in the offices, to quickly restore these areas to functionality before tackling more complex renovations. Jeff Williams, an employee at the administrative building, provided a detailed breakdown of the courthouse areas and their specific needs, aiding the architects in planning and phasing the project.

The fee structure was also clarified. Melnyk emphasized that the evaluation and planning phases would incur hourly fees. Once a comprehensive plan and layout are established, the subsequent design documentation, permitting, architecture, and construction phases would be covered by a fixed fee. This fixed fee would include construction oversight and project management, ensuring transparency and clear cost expectations for the commissioners.

By dividing the project into manageable phases, they aim to preserve the courthouse’s historic integrity while modernizing its facilities. The architects will soon present a detailed schedule to further define the project’s timeline and phases.

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