Clinton Co. School Supplies event a success


The Clinton County School Supplies event, held on Sunday at Dove Church in Wilmington, was a resounding success, according to organizers. This marks the fourth year of the event, which ensures that donated school supplies remain within Clinton County, benefiting local students.

“We are beyond blessed by the community partnerships that are the catalyst for the Clinton County School Supply event. The event shows how much we can accomplish if we all work together for a common goal. Helping children is always a worthwhile endeavor,” said organizer Lee Sandlin.

Another organizer, Jason Stoops, echoed this sentiment, saying, “We are planning to be even bigger next year. The event went perfectly—great weather and great food. We had 350 happy kids that day, with more receiving supplies this week.”

Stoops also extended special thanks to TimberTech and Amazon for their support.

Anyone who missed the event or still needs school supplies can reach out to Sugartree Ministry Center for assistance at (937) 382-8359.

The event continues to grow each year, reflecting the community’s dedication to supporting local students as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

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