A call for political decency



I’m writing this to express my extreme displeasure of how one person is choosing to exercise what he must believe is his right to free speech.

The method in question is the display on his front porch of a hand making an obscene gesture with the word “Biden” attached.

My problem is not with the political stance of the person (obviously anti-Biden) but with the means of expressing it.

Just to clarify that I am not a “Goody Two-Shoes Purity in Action Award” candidate, I am a retired veteran who spent over 24 years in the service and have been exposed to crudity and vulgarity as much as anyone. But the disrespect shown to the current President and to the general public who happen to drive by oversteps the bounds of what should be tolerated in our society. This is not what the Founding Fathers intended when they fought for the right to free speech.

I’m sure that some people find what he is doing is funny and some support the sentiment expressed. I hope that the majority of people find it disgusting but choose not to speak out. As for me, I believe in the old adage, “For evil to triumph only requires that good people do nothing.”

Carl D. Kent

Wilmington, Ohio

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