Blan Girl Scout leader hopes to win memorable experience for her troop


Local Blanchester Girl Scout leader, Ida Miller, of Troop #45988, has entered a National Park adventure contest in hopes of winning a memorable experience for her troop.

Miller has been with the troop since 2012, and one of the girls has been a member for 11 years. A few years ago, the girls decided they wanted to visit the Grand Canyon and explore parts of Route 66 for their senior trip. To make this dream a reality, they have been diligently raising funds through cookie sales, working at craft shows, selling hot dogs at Lebanon’s annual Iron’s Apple Fest, holding bake sales, and more.

When Miller discovered the contest, she entered it with the hope of winning. Now, she has made it to the top 20 competitors and is calling on the community to cast free daily votes at to help these Girl Scouts create a once-in-a-lifetime memory at the Grand Canyon.

Daily voting is free, and the finals will take place from Oct. 11 to Oct. 17. During this time, votes will be reset, and public voting will determine the winner of the 2024 Ultimate Explorer Competition (the “Grand Prize Winner”). The Grand Prize Winner will be announced on or before Oct. 25.

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