Clinton County Quilters to raffle quilts at Corn Festival


The Clinton County Quilters will be raffling off three quilts at this year’s Clinton County Corn Festival, which runs from Friday, Sept. 6, with gates opening at 11 a.m., through Sunday, Sept. 8, ending at 5 p.m. Festival attendees can purchase raffle tickets at the Quilt Barn, where the quilt show will be held throughout the weekend. Tickets are available for $1 each or six for $5.

This year’s quilt show theme is “Block Party,” and it promises a vibrant display of quilting talent. On Aug. 20, the quilts were judged by Mary M. Zesiger, a certified judge from the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ), based in Chandlersville, Ohio.

Quilts are evaluated across various categories, with awards given for first through third place, as well as honorable mentions within those categories.

Top honors at the show include: Best of Show, Best Use of Color, Best Hand Quilting, Best of Theme, and Judge’s Choice.

In addition to these, show viewers have the opportunity to vote for their favorite quilt throughout the show. The quilt that garners the most votes will receive the Viewers’ Choice Award, which will be announced on Sunday at the festival.

Attendees will have the chance to admire a wide variety of quilts on display, showcasing the incredible skill and creativity of the guild members. In addition to the quilt display, the guild will also host their Beehive Selling Booth inside the show, where members will be selling various sewn and quilted items.

The Clinton County Quilters guild meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the back room of the Wilmington Assembly of God Church, located at 609 W. Locust St., Wilmington. New members and visitors are always welcome to join and learn more about the art of quilting.

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