2024 ‘Get Caught Recycling’ Campaign is coming soon


Is that pumpkin spice in the air? Yes, it is! That means October is almost here, and with it comes the annual “Get Caught Recycling” campaign.

As in years past, “Buster the Mouse” and Clinton County Solid Waste and Recycling (SWMD) staff will be visiting various community recycling drop-off locations across Clinton County looking for recyclers who know the rules and properly participate in the recycling program. Winners will be awarded with eco-friendly and recycled-content mystery prizes like reusable shopping totes, door mats, blankets and more.

In addition, one lucky recycler will be proclaimed “Culprit of the Week” and featured through local media outlets, as well as on the SWMD’s Facebook page.

Last year Clinton County recycled almost 1,000 tons of material, according to SWMD. That’s as much as two to three fully loaded 747 aircrafts.

Will Buster “bust” your recycling correctly? He just may…

For details about all recycling programs and other useful resources, as well as a link to SWMD’s Facebook page, visit: https://co.clinton.oh.us/Recycling.

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