Crimes & traffic reports

The following report is compiled using a disposition report provided by Clinton County Municipal Court. The information includes the defendant’s name, age, residence if listed, charge(s) disposed, fine, court costs assessed, jail sentence and any special conditions. Judge David Henry currently oversees the court, which administers the law in criminal misdemeanor cases.

The following list includes those who pleaded guilty or were found guilty between Aug. 12 and Aug. 21.

Crystal L. Coburn, 25, found guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court costs. Supervised probation, 30 days in jail, with 29 suspended.

Emma M. Dennis, found guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court costs. One year non-reporting probation, 24-hrs of community service, 30 days in jail.

Raymon Villapondo, 43, of Morrow, found guilty of driving under suspended license. Fined $150, assessed $170 in court costs. Two years non-reporting probation, 24-hrs of community service, 180 days in jail with 179 suspended.

William Fox, 64, of Miamisburg, found guilty of operating a vehicle under the influence. Fined $500, assessed $170 in court costs. Reporting probation, alcohol/drug counseling after assessment, required to not consume alcohol during probation, ALS vacated, driving privileges granted effective 8/27, ignition/interlock device required on vehicle, 180 days in jail with 177 suspended.

Habibullah Sharifi, 41, of Akron, reflectors. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Charge amended from distracted driver.

Darine Price, 58, of Midland, reflectors. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Gabriel M. Napier, 22, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 51 in a 35 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Matthew D. Gray, 65, of Sabina, guilty of driving 72 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kalei R. Edenfield, 30, of Cincinnati, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Abdalla M. Shelani, 27, of Columbus, found guilty of driving 75 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Dwight E. Bullard, 26, of Midland, found guilty of driving 75 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Carmen M. Preidt, 36, of Martinsville, found guilty of driving 68 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Stephen J. Blankenship, 64, of Clarksville, found guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30 assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Michaela A. Stanifer, 27, of Martinsville, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Michael Soale, 58, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Michael T. Daugherty Jr., 27, of Wilmington, guilty of domestic violence. Court mandated mental health/substance abuse counseling/anger management program.

Mai T. Massey, 41, of Wilmington, possession of drug instruments. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years of non-reporting, 24 hours of community service, 180 days in jail.

Gina F. Spurlock, 61, of Wilmington, guilty of minor drug possession offense. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees. Supervised probation, alcohol/drug assessment and follow up, 24 hours of community service.

Klayton J. Hutchinson, 24, of Clarksville, guilty of driving 81 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Addison J. Brunney, 19, of Columbus, guilty of driving 97 in a 70 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Blake M. Frazier, 24, of Washington Court House, guilty of driving 78 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Robert D. Hudson, 77, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 70 in a 55. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Josh Evans, 35, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 75 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kaitlyn A. Stark, 30, of Amelia, guilty of driving 73 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Richard A. Wood, 23, of Sabina, guilty of driving 68 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Kristopher W. Saunders, 36, of Martinsville, no contest guilty of failure to yield. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Steven M. Ecker, 48, of Warren, guilty of driving 55 in a 25 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

William J. Lee, 65, of Wilmington, no contest guilty of disobeying a traffic control device. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Kody D. Huston, 27, of Wilmington, guilty of driving under suspension or in violation of license restriction. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees.

Hayden L. Smith, 21, of Hillsboro, guilty of driving 72 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Titus Risner, 24, of Sabina, guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Maudy V. Jackson, 59, of Wilmington, no contest guilty of dog at large. Fined $50, assessed $160 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 30 days in jail with 29 suspended.

George S. Huston, 51, of Midland, guilty of driving a vehicle under the influence. Fined $500, assessed $170 in court fees. Supervised probation, alcohol/drug follow-up assessment, 180 days in jail.

Kya Vazquez, 24, of New Vienna, guilty of texting while driving. Fined $50, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Armando Risoto-Perez, 48, of Louisville, guilty of driving 84 in a 70 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Eric U. De Jesus Trinidad, 39, of Reynoldsburg, guilty of operating a vehicle without a license. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Eric. U. De Jesus Trinidad, 39, of Reynoldsburg, guilty of driving 96 in a 70 speed zone. Fined $140.

Amanda L. Floyd, 43, of Massillon, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Sherman Robinson, 47, of Cleves, no contest guilty driving under suspicion of operating under a suspended license. Fined $150, assessed $170 in court fees.

Sherman Robinson, 47, of Cleves, no contest guilty of driving 67 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Sherman Robinson, 47, of Cleves, no contest guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $20.

Christian N. Burns, 22, of Clarksville, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Luckner Sylvain, 38, of Reynoldsburg, guilty of driving 74 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Kenneth L. Rhoades, 20, of Milford, guilty of driving 72 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Daymeon Green, 23, of New Vienna, guilty of prohibited turn. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Brianna N. Rider, 2, of New Vienna, guilty of driving 68 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Angelo Soto, 23, of Liberty Township, guilty of driving 73 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Tyler J. Fryman, 28, of Mays Lick, guilty of max load. Fined $360, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Ronald R. Kronenberger III, 43, of Waynesville, guilty of driving 68 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kenneth R. Carver, 63, of Lucasville, guilty of permit violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kenneth R. Carver, 63, of Lucasville, guilty of load over length/height. Fined $200. Case waived by defendant.

Roger O. Blackburn, 54, of Wilmington, guilty of improper child restraint violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Katherine Vance, 73, of Wilmington, guilty of traffic control device violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Shaon E. Hill, 75, of Frankfort, guilty of driving 70 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Ryan L. Vert, 19, of Waynesville, guilty of criminal damages. Assessed $170 in court fees. Ordered to 24 hours of community service, no contact with Clinton Massie School, pay restitution and court costs. When the defendant complies, the court will dismiss charges.

Nathan A. Voisey, 19, of Clarksville, guilty of criminal damages. Assessed $170 in court fees. Ordered to 24 hours of community service, no contact with Clinton Massie School, pay restitution and court costs. When the defendant complies, the court will dismiss charges.

Javen I. Carpenter, 19, of Wilmington, guilty of criminal damages. Assessed $170 in court fees. Ordered to 24 hours of community service, no contact with Clinton Massie School, pay restitution and court costs. When the defendant complies, the court will dismiss charges.

Hannah B. Bowman, 18, of Clarksville, guilty of criminal damages. Assessed $170 in court fees. Ordered to 24 hours of community service, no contact with Clinton Massie School, pay restitution and court costs. When the defendant complies, the court will dismiss charges.

Cayden C. Long, 19 of Wilmington, guilty of criminal damages. Assessed $170 in court fees. Ordered to 24 hours of community service, no contact with Clinton Massie School, pay restitution and court costs. When the defendant complies, the court will dismiss charges.

Lucas R. Duncan, 36, of Waynesville, guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia. Fined $150, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 30 days in jail, 29 suspended.

Kristopher, J. Gurbey, 40, of Lebanon, guilty of dog at large offense. Fined $25, assessed $170 in court fees. Court orders that the dog shall be lawfully destroyed.

Makyia D. Kaler, 20, of Lebanon, guilty of dog at large offense. Fined $25, assessed $170 in court fees. Court orders that the dog shall be lawfully destroyed.

Bob S. Turay Jr., 31, of Blacklick, guilty of driving 97 in a 70 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Christian W. Burton, 24, of Wilmington, no contest guilty of driving 29 in a 25 speed zone. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees. Charge amended from driving 46 in a 25 speed zone.

Jamal R. Dowel, 39, of Lebanon, guilty of driving 73 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

J. D. Mcintosh, 59, of Wilmington, guilty of assured clear distance violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Delaney S. Schneder, 20, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 72 in a 55 speed zone. Case waived by defendant.

Brandon C. Howard, 27, of Centerville, guilty of driving 82 in a 65 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kendall P. Giles, 28, of Washington Court House, guilty of stop sign violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Shelby L. Trenner, 30, of Wilmington, guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Angel Gomez-Ramirez, 21, of Hamilton, guilty of traffic control device violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Jason D. Frankell, 46, of Winchester, guilty of driving 86 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Taylor M. Wilson, 30, of Washington Court House, guilty of driving 70 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Harley D. Denton, 30, of Harveysburg, guilty of expired tags. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Samantha J. Gray, 29, of Lebanon, guilty of driving 74 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Stephanie N. Montgomery, 44, of Blanchester, guilty of driving 54 in a 35 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Piper K. Brada, 21, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 68 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Gary K. Eubanks Jr., 44, of Blanchester, guilty of driving under suspended license. Fined $150, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, complete 24 hours of community service, no driving privileges granted without a valid license, 180 days in jail with 180 suspended.

Andriy Minkovsky, 22, of River Grove, guilty of expired tags. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Ajay Kumar H. Patel, 30, Springfield, guilty of driving 77 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Isaac M. Kamga, 37, of San Francisco, guilty of loud exhaust violation. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees. Charge amended from driving 70 in a 55 speed zone.

Rodney J. Roberts, 55, of Wilmington, guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Daniel M. Edwards, 41, of Springfield, guilty of driving on closed road. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Lonnie W. Ashby, 60, of Lorain, guilty of loud exhaust violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Amended from driving on closed road violation.

Daniel P. Kilgore, 20, of Loveland, guilty of driving 70 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Nathan M. King, 43, of Xenia, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Sishaw L. Ergete, 38, of Wilmington, guilty of red light turn violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Ian C. Hawkins, 39, of Dayton, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Rhonda S. Storer, 44, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 82 in a 54 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Kari L. Bloom, 29, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 83 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Megan R. Conger, 39, of Washington Court House, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $195 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Roberto Glemeau, 59, of North Miami, guilty of traffic control device violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Landon R. Conley, 23, of Wilmington, guilty of theft. Fined $200, assessed $170 in court fees. Order for supervised probation, mental health counseling/treatment, no contact with Clinton Memorial Gift Shop.

Jessica L. Bracken, 44, of Hillsboro, guilty of theft. Fined $300, assessed $170 in court fees. Order for supervised probation, mental health counseling/treatment, no contact with Clinton Memorial Gift Shop.

Landon R. Conley, 23, of Wilmington, guilty of reckless operation. Fined $150, assessed $170 in court fees. 60 days in jail.

Landon R. Coney, 23, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 69 in a 35. Fined $30.

Virgil D. Myers II, 54, of Jamestown, guilty of driving under financial responsibility law suspension or cancellation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Nicole J. Walker, 30, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 67 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Spencer W. Hooper, 21, of Cincinnati, guilty of failure to control. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Qusai Takruri, 26, of Columbus, guilty of assured clear distance violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Monu Rai, 35, of Charlotte, guilty of marked lanes violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

David E. Spurling, 62, of Sabina, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Cameron I. Anguiano, 26, of Union City, guilty of driving 85 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

James A. Warren, 60, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 72 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

David L. Brown III, 32, of Greenfield, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Wendy L. Riley, 60, of Cincinnati, guilty of driving 92 in a 70 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $125 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Shana Bowles, 31, of Fredericktown, guilty of stop sign violation. Fined $30, assessed $195 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Justin M. Neff, 21, of Wilmington, guilty of theft. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 180 days in jail.

Justin M. Neff, 21, of Wilmington, guilty of criminal damages. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 90 days in jail.

Kendra L. Holbert, 22, of Wilmington, guilty of obstructing official business. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court fees. Charge amended from tampering with evidence. Two years non-reporting probation, 90 days in jail.

Kendra L. Holbert, 22, of Wilmington, guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia. Fined $50, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 30 days in jail.

Eddie D. Noble, 42, of Columbus, guilty of theft. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court fees. Two years non-reporting probation, 180 days in jail.

Kimberly J. Drake, 50, of Clarksville, no contest guilty of disorderly conduct. Fined $20, assessed $170 in court fees.

Brian F. Gallagher, 72, of Wilmington, guilty of driving under the influence. Fined $1,075, assessed $170 in court fees. Complete 3-day intervention program for drug/alcohol. If compliant, the court will suspend $375 from the fine. Driving privileges granted effective 5/18/24, reporting probation, 180 days with 179 suspended.

Ronald Sticka, 21, of Xenia, guilty of failure to control. Fined $100, assessed $170 in court fees.

Jonah W. Lowrance, 23, of Mason, guilty of driving 49 in a 25 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees.

Tyler M. Dolle, 33, of Lebanon, guilty of driving 70 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Mackenzee Blevins, 33, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 73 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

John W. Embree III, 41, of Hillsboro, guilty of driving under financial responsibility law suspension. Fined $250, assessed $170 in court fees.

Stephanie S. Williams, 34, of Clarksville, guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Christina M. Minnich, 35, of Fairfield, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Christoper M. Cordray, 45, of Sabina, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Mario E. Reynolds, 53, of Columbus, guilty of overload violation. Fined $180, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Madison H. Ross, 26, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 71 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Elora C. Dodds, 22, of Morrow, guilty of driving 80 in a 65 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

April A. Hughes, 42, of Clarksville, guilty of driving 69 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Trenton A. Mileski, 21, of Union, guilty of driving 69 in a 55. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Nickolas J. Garcia, 31, of Hamilton, guilty of driving 82 in a 65 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Caitlin M. Kelly, 24, of Wilmington, guilty of driving 70 in a 55 speed zone. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Grant L. Stonewall, 20, of Sabina, guilty of driving 88 in a 5 speed zone. Fined $130, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Cameron N. Kent, 23, of Cleveland, guilty of expired tags. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Seth R. Wallis, 20, of Fairborn, guilty of failure to control. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.

Rhonda G. Vaughn, 61, of Wilmington, guilty of seat belt violation. Fined $30, assessed $170 in court fees. Case waived by defendant.