A rainbow of promise


I rolled over and opened my eyes a wee bit. An orange cloud caught my attention in the west. It was unusual, so I pulled myself over to the open window and blinked in the morning stillness.

It was 6:30 on Saturday morning. I slid the screen up to give me a clearer view of the color display of blue skies with orange-peach-colored clouds. “Hmm, this can’t be a coincidence,” I told myself. The night before, at bedtime, I once more gave my struggles over to God, thinking maybe there will be a break by morning.

Something began to happen as I sat there watching the clouds slowly shift and shuffle. At first it made me feel a tad eerie. It couldn’t be true, still I knew my eyes really weren’t playing tricks, it was real. In that morning quiet, the sun shone onto the beautiful clouds, and a rainbow began to form. There was no rain in sight, not even a trace of a sprinkle. I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that God heard the cry of my heart and came close to show his provision. I still had not the slightest idea of how he would work things out, but I also knew I didn’t need to know.

The words from a song, “A Rainbow of Promise,” rang in my mind. Though I did not know the song very well, friends had sung it on our voicemail two years ago after my husband’s passing. I knew the song must be precious to them, knowing they too, are acquainted with grief.

I sat there, pondering over it all. The rainbow showed its colors right over the area with clouds. It struck me, isn’t that a picture of life? Rainbows appear where clouds reside. I watched until it faded completely, then fetched my Bible and randomly flipped it open. My heart beat with adoration to my Maker as I read the first verse, “Look to the earth beneath and the heavens above…” As my eyes scanned the verses following, it brought to light how the trials of today are all passing by, but my obedience to God in the moment will have effects lasting forever. I breathed deep. It was true, God understands, and because of his love he does not expect me to even feel great or like a noble Christian. He loves me the way I am right now.

Pushing my Bible to the side I took my seat on the edge of the bed once more, as I gazed out the window.

Wonder of wonders, what do you think I saw? Yes, that’s right, another rainbow! I looked, then looked again; there was no hint of rain anywhere, just a partial rainbow shining its brilliance on the top part.

Once more, I gazed and I marveled. Yes, it was a Saturday morning, which meant a day at the home of coordinating inside work, such as house cleaning, as well as outside work, including yard and farm work. I loved those days, but on the real note, it can also be intense. What a comfort to have a token from above that God knows and sees. The day wasn’t perfect, but it was good.

Last night, before we went to bed, we were surprised to discover “The Rainbow of Promise” song on our voicemail once more. When my friends from Ohio found out that we’d like to learn it, they sang it again for us. My heart was touched, surely God provides through his children all over!

Early this morning, when little Joshua couldn’t sleep with a round of poison ivy all over his face, that song came back in my mind, then again and again. So, dear friends, it is a promise, not only for a select few, but for everyone.

We are promised hope when we lean in on him; like those words reminds us, “A rainbow of courage from the Father above, A rainbow of shelter when the storm clouds arise…”

No one likes thunder in their lives, but do take a moment to consider what life would be like if we all got what we ever wanted. I don’t know about you, but I know I would not trade a life of ease with a life that keeps me returning to God.

There are no recipes for rainbows, just as God is also the only one to bring rainbows into our hearts amidst hard times.

I would enjoy passing a recipe on to you that we used for our neighbor girl’s wedding. Joshua went with me to make it and was happy to help taste each batch. We scooped it into 375 individual containers for the guests. and if you prefer natural sweeteners, just swap out the powdered sugar for a sweetener of your choice.


2 cups butter, softened

1- 8 oz cream cheese, softened

1 cup powdered sugar

1 1/4 cup strawberry jam

1 teas vanilla

Cream butter, cream cheese and powdered sugar together then whip in jam and vanilla.

Delicious over dinner rolls or fresh bread!

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