City council moves forward with rate increases

WILMINGTON — Wilmington City Council approved an ordinance at Thursday’s meeting to increase the sewer rates and heard the second reading of an ordinance to increase landfill rates.

According to the sewer rate ordinance, property owners in the city’s corporate limits and connected with the sewerage system will be charged for “the availability, use and maintenance of the sewerage system the monthly per-bill-minimum availability charge plus the per 1,000 gallons charge, being the water consumption for the particular premises during each calendar month.”

Starting Jan. 1, the per-bill minimum will be increased from $8.31 to $8.52. There is also an increase for an additional charge of per thousand gallons used (from $5.16 to $5.29). A rate schedule listed in the ordinance indicates a gradual increase occurring in the following years up to 2034 (the rate listed for that year is $13.23).

A similar rate schedule is listed for users outside the city limits. For these residents, beginning in 2024 the increase will go from $12.14 to $12.44 with the charge per thousand gallons used increasing from $11.29 to $11.57.

For the landfill rates, beginning in 2024 “every householder and commercial establishment creating refuse shall pay for the furnishing of the service of collection.” For residential curbside in the city, it’ll be raised by $20.89 to $21.93, if the ordinance is approved. Residents outside the city limits would go from $22.98 to $24.13.

The third reading for the landfill rates will occur at the Aug. 3 council meeting.

Also during council:

• The council approved a resolution accepting a grant from the Ohio Department of Development Roadwork Development (629) Fund for the second phase of the Davids Drive construction project. According to the resolution, the city was awarded $1.4 million.

Reach John Hamilton at 937-382-2574