7-year-old lauded for rescuing boy from drowning

Jordann Ponder is being recognized for rescuing a friend from drowning.

Provided by Lori Ponder

BLANCHESTER — A local child is being praised for her quick actions resulting in rescuing her friend from drowning.

Earlier this month, 7-year-old Jordann Ponder was at a birthday party in Blanchester when she noticed something was wrong with her friend’s 4-year-old brother.

“He was getting in the pool from the side and he just started drowning,” Jordann told the News Journal. “I pulled his head up and then I pulled his body up and put him on the ladder.”

James Ponder, Jordann’s father, told the News Journal the above-ground pool where it happened had a lot of floats in it which made it hard for people to notice. Jordann saw the 4-year-old getting into the pool and noticed he was “just staying under.”

Jordann knew she had to do something. She jumped in and “swam with all her might” to get to him. Using a pool noodle to keep herself afloat, she lifted the boy up by his armpits out of the water and led him to the ladder.

“Nobody even knew anything had happened until the boy came out and was kind of crying,” James said.

Jordann felt proud of the fact that she was able to rescue her friend. Both James and Lori, Jordann’s mother, were amazed and proud at their daughter’s rescue since she hadn’t been taught what to do in this situation. James taught her to swim but nothing about rescuing a drowning person.

“Just natural instincts kicked in,” said Lori.

Reach John Hamilton at 937-382-2574