Locals come together for overdose awareness event

Locals and officials come together for an overdose awareness event at Denver Williams Park.

Photos submitted by Brenda Harris

An overdose awareness event on Thursday in Wilmington was organized by the Clinton County Common Pleas Supervision Department with collaboration of area agencies: Talbert House, Solutions, Bright View, PATH, DeCoach Rehabilitation Centre, Autumn Behavioral, Sugartree Ministries, Hopeline, and the Wilmington Police Department.

Several agency representatives spoke on the importance of using available community resources and continuing to build inter-agency community connections.

Clinton County Common Pleas Judge John “Tim” Rudduck recognized the change in the court system and how it is much more treatment-oriented and knowledgeable about substance use and mental health needs, stating, “each statistic is not just a number, it is a person.”

Lee Sandlin from Sugartree Ministries used the story of the prodigal son as an example of an extreme circumstance in which the person “had to come to his senses.” Lee reminded those in the audience, “We will be here when you come to your senses. There are people willing to help you.”

Sgt. Joshua Gibson, of WPD, spoke of the impact on law enforcement reporting to overdose scenes and having to tell loved ones that the person did not make it. He said, “We are not robots.”

Michele from BrightView spoke from a parent perspective, referring to her son (who is now doing well in recovery) as “he is my why” (as to the work she does at BrightView).

Lisa Clark (CEO of Autumn Behavioral Health) shared her son’s story and his tragic loss of life at age 23, stating, “part of my grief management is talking to groups about his journey (and mine), and how one relapse, after months of sobriety led to his overdose.”

Several community members also spoke of their own recovery journeys, many connecting substance use as a coping response to trauma. Most of them are now either working or volunteering to help others.

Community resources were provided to those in attendance.

A balloon launch concluding the ceremony in honor of those who have lost their lives to substance use.