Community comes together to honor veterans


WILMINGTON — During a poignant Veterans Day program held on Saturday, the community came together to pay tribute to the nation’s heroes at the Veterans Memorial in downtown Wilmington.

The event commenced with an opening ceremony led by Kelly Hopkins, a past All State Post Commander.

The program’s tone was set with an invocation by Pastor Bryan McGee of Cornerstone Baptist Church. The audience then united in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner.

Clinton County Common Pleas Court Judge John W. “Tim” Rudduck delivered an address as the guest speaker, emphasizing the significance of honoring our veterans.

VFW Post 6710 Past Auxiliary President Melissa Stevens solemnly conducted the roll call of Memorial Pavers, listing the names of individuals whose contributions will forever be etched in the community’s memory. This year, the Memorial Pavers honored Ernest W. Bayless, Jesse W. Doyle, Hubert C. Homan, Rick Homan, and Patrick J. O’Leary.

The ceremony concluded with a benediction delivered by Greg Shults, Past Commandant of Marine Corp League Detachment 995.

Recognizing outstanding contributions, the 2023 Veterans Day awardees were announced:

– Veteran Employer of the Year: Amazon of Wilmington

– Community Veterans Awareness and/or Care Volunteer of the Year Award: Jack and Valerie Rose

– Clinton County Veteran of the Year: Coach Roger Ilg

A special tribute was extended to veteran Bob Wilson, who, at the age of 100, was honored for his milestone achievement and dedicated service. In addition to heartfelt words and a prayer, Wilson was presented with a gift, expressing gratitude for his service and celebrating his presence at the program.

The event not only paid homage to the sacrifices of veterans but also celebrated the individuals and organizations dedicated to supporting and uplifting the veteran community.

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