WHS September Students of the Month

Micah Armstrong

Wilmington High School recently congratulated its Students of the Month for September. The following are the students as well as descriptions of them from their teachers:

Social Studies: Tyler Carter

Tyler has gone above and beyond in both Career Connections 2 and American Government. He is diligent in his own studies; asking questions, advocating for his own education, and working hard to be the best he can in both classes. What really stands out is his willingness to help others. Not a class period has gone by this year where he hasn’t been helping his classmates in one way or another. Sometimes, he helps them with questions they have about the material, other times, he helps keep the room neat and organized. Most times, I don’t have to ask Tyler at all- he sees where this is a need and he jumps in. Tyler is a great student but an even better person and member of the WHS community. It is my great pleasure to nominate Tyler Carter for September Student of the Month.

Independent Studies: Carson Delong

Carson Delong is the Independent Studies Student of the Month for September. Carson is always prepared for class with a charged Chromebook and a positive attitude. Despite having a busy schedule outside of school, Carson works hard on his courses and gives it his all everyday. Carson is willing to help his fellow classmates when they need it, and he always has a smile on his face that brightens the classroom.

Agriculture Education: Gabriella Newkirk

Gabriella Newkirk has been selected as the Agriculture Education Department Student of the Month for September. Gabriella shows up to class each day eager for what could be in store, and is a solid participant during lessons, labs, and class discussions. She gives 110% to her studies and is always willing to lend a hand to classmates who may need help. Gabriella has also shown interest in becoming involved in FFA and has attended some of our events so far this year. Gabriella is a leader inside and outside of the classroom, and we can’t wait to see all that she will accomplish during her time in Agriculture Education and FFA!

Main Office: Cortney Carr

Cortney is an office aide both 1st & 7th period. Cortney is extremely helpful to all of the teachers and office staff. He shows new students around on their 1st day of school. He is aware of the security in our building, stopping and shutting outside doors when they are left open. On many occasions, Cortney has helped others without being asked. He is a pleasure to have in the office.

Foreign Language: Brydin Plymire

Brydin has been doing a great job learning new concepts in French. He takes his time thinking about what is being taught.

Exceptional Student Education: Nicholas Kaufman

Nicholas Kaufman is the High School Life Skills Student of the Month for September. Nick consistently works hard in school, demonstrates a positive attitude and is kind to everyone he meets, including his classmates, teachers and other staff members. Continue to be a role model for your peers, Nick!

Science: Sofia Castillo

Sofia always comes to class ready to learn and makes no excuses for missed work. Instead she comes prepared with a solution for how to make up missed work. She is always willing to help those around her including catching extra insects for her classmates who are a bit squeamish around insects.

Math: Olivia Hill

Olivia is the Math department’s Student of the Month because she is a rock star! Olivia is always willing to participate, she shows up ready to try her best every day and always has the best attitude when approaching a new topic. Olivia will help peers when they need some extra support and she is so kind to both staff and other students. We are so proud of Olivia and appreciate all her hard work!

Theatre: Levi Begley

Levi is in Stagecraft this year. He is typically first to volunteer for each project. Whether setting up saw horses or cleaning up after a project Levi gets the job done. He is a hard worker and likes to be helpful. His enthusiasm for our backstage work is evident in every job he does.

English: Micah Armstrong

Micah has been a rock star student so far in English class. He works quickly and quietly, and he turns in excellent work. We have so many English class students that are wonderful, but he stood out this month when he demonstrated that he is both an excellent listener and a thoughtful human. Recently in class, I mentioned that I was having a struggle with technology, and he went out of his way to help. On his own time, he shared a video that would help both me and other students. He showed that he cared and that he heard our struggles. Thank you for demonstrating such a strong work ethic, exhibiting leadership traits, and adding kindness to our community, Micah!