The Clinton-Massie Corner

Welcome to “The Clinton-Massie Corner”, a bi-monthly column penned by Clinton-Massie Superintendent, David Moss. It aims to provide a deeper understanding of our district’s journey, celebrate our successes, and keep our community informed and engaged. Whether you’re a parent, student, staff member, or community supporter, “The Clinton-Massie Corner” is your window into the heart of our district’s story. We will focus each article on communication, connection, and celebration. Let’s get started!


I have had a few people ask our office about the upcoming levy in November. In my position as superintendent, I am not allowed to advocate for or against the levy. I am allowed to provide factual information so I wanted to make sure we communicated clearly.

In July 2024, the Clinton-Massie Board of Education voted to approve a resolution to proceed with placing a 1% earned income tax levy on the Nov. 5, 2024 ballot. The additional funds generated by this levy would be used to maintain current educational programs, continue the implementation of the district’s strategic plan, provide permanent improvement funds, and keep up with rising costs related to the district’s day-to-day expenses.

An earned income tax levy applies only to earned income—money received from employment or self-employment—and not to retirement/Social Security pensions, unemployment, worker’s compensation, disability, welfare, child support, survivor benefits, alimony, interest, dividends, capital gains or rental income. Additional information can be found at


Homecoming is around the corner! The Clinton-Massie homecoming football game will take place versus Goshen High School on Friday, Oct. 4! The annual parade is currently scheduled for Thursday evening, Oct. 3. We will post more information on our website and social media as we get a little closer. We hope to see all of our proud alumni in attendance. Make sure you say hello!


The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce officially released the state report cards for all school districts last week. Ratings are assigned on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, with half-star increments available. A 5-star rating indicates a higher level of performance compared to a 1-star rating.

I am extremely proud to announce our school district received 4.5 out of 5 stars! Our overall rating ranked us in the top 22% of all school districts in the state of Ohio!! While test scores are not the only indicator of a successful school district, they do provide a snapshot of the hard work and dedication of our staff and our students. I will provide more detailed information next month at our Board of Education meeting.

Please do not hesitate to share your suggestions, stories, or questions for future columns. My email is [email protected], and my office number is 937-289-2471. Let’s work together to make Clinton-Massie a place where every connection matters, every achievement is recognized, and every update helps build our community.