Commissioners discuss state programs with Ohio Treasurer’s Office liaison


WILMINGTON, Ohio — During Wednesday morning’s Clinton County Commissioners meeting, John Gomez, Southwest Ohio Regional Public Affairs Liaison for the Ohio Treasurer of State’s Office, presented several new and ongoing programs designed to support local businesses, farmers, individuals with disabilities, and prospective homeowners.

Gomez’s visit aimed to provide the commissioners with key information on these initiatives, so they can better assist Clinton County residents and businesses.

One of the primary topics discussed was the newly-launched Ohio Homebuyer Plus savings program, which started in January 2024. This program offers Ohioans a tax-advantaged savings plan with above-market interest rates through participating banks and credit unions. Prospective homebuyers can apply for savings accounts through Ohio Homebuyer Plus by working with financial institutions like Wilmington Savings Bank, one of the local participants.

“I know Wilmington Savings Bank is on board with it and one of the big users of it,” said Gomez.

He also noted that the state is working to expand the program to include active-duty military personnel.

Gomez explained, “We introduced a bill to allow active-duty military to participate in Ohio Homebuyer Plus as soon as they receive orders to deploy to Ohio. The Senate unanimously passed it, and it’s now somewhere in the House. It’s an ongoing effort we’re working on, and it’s evolving. We’re still the only state in the country that really has a program like this.”

The program operates on a linked-deposit model, similar to other state initiatives like Ag-LINK and Family Forward.

Gomez also highlighted the Ag-LINK Program, which provides up to a 3% interest rate reduction on new or existing operating loans for Ohio farm operators, agribusinesses, and co-ops. This initiative offers lower-cost capital to help farmers cover essential operating expenses like feed, seed, fertilizer, and fuel.

Another key topic was the STABLE Account, which allows individuals with disabilities to save and invest money without losing eligibility for benefits such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Gomez explained that the STABLE Account program offers participants greater financial security and independence, providing them with a critical financial tool.

President Commissioner Mike McCarty brought up a pressing local issue: the need for more affordable housing. McCarty mentioned that during his travels throughout the county, affordable housing was a consistent concern raised by residents. He asked Gomez if there were any programs to help address this need.

Gomez responded by saying, “One thing we’re working on is through OMAP, to help make infrastructure projects more affordable. Treasurer Sprague is always talking with different legislators about what they’re working on when it comes to affordable housing and how we can incentivize those things. We are trying to do our part. The governor is trying to put his agenda forward, and we’re doing what we can. A lot of it, too, comes with broader challenges like inflation and labor shortages—these issues are interconnected, and we’re working on those.”

Additionally, Gomez touched on the importance of first-time homebuyer education and noted that there are courses offered to help prospective homeowners understand the home-buying process, further supporting their financial literacy and stability.

Gomez also discussed the Ohio Market Access Program (OMAP), which helps schools, cities, and local governments reduce borrowing costs on short-term notes. The program takes advantage of the state’s high short-term credit rating to improve market access and reduce borrowing rates for local governments. Another investment option mentioned was the State Treasury Asset Reserve of Ohio (STAR Ohio), a program offering local government subdivisions, such as municipalities and school districts, a safe and flexible investment pool with penalty-free liquidity and comparatively higher yields.

The commissioners expressed their appreciation for Gomez’s information and all they’re doing, noting that these programs provide valuable resources for Clinton County. They requested additional documentation on all of the programs to better inform residents and businesses about the available opportunities.

For more information on the programs, visit the Ohio Treasurer of State’s Office website at

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