EC varsity, junior varsity post wins over Blue Lions


WASHINGTON CH —The East Clinton volleyball team won its third match in a row Tuesday, defeating Washington Senior 25-21, 25-16, 25-17.

The Astros are 5-2 on the year. “The girls had another great game. They’re playing with hustle and teamwork,” coach Sarah Sodini said.

East Clinton varsity leaders were Karsyn Jamison with 12 kills, Emily Arnold with 25 assists, Kaylee Terrell with three aces, Sahara Tate with 11 digs and 33 passes.

In the JV match, East Clinton came out on top in tough one, 27-25, 25-18. Coach Lorrie Arnold said the Astros “came together as a team and played well.”

Leaders for EC were Maci Lilly and Taylor Brown with seven kills each, Kimber Seaman with four digs, Taylynn Spurlock with 10 assists.


Sept 3, 2024

@Washington Senior High School

Varsity Results

Astros 3, Blue Lions 0

Emily Arnold 6 kills, 1 ace, 25 assists, 1 block, 6 digs

Taylor Barton 1 kill, 2 aces, 5 digs

Sydney Beiting 1 ace, 1 assist, 3 digs

Hadlie Clark 1 kill, 2 assists, 5 digs

Karsyn Jamison 12 kills, 2 aces

Colie Murarescu 9 kills, 1 block

Makayla Seaman 3 kills, 1 assist, 5 digs

Sahara Tate 3 kills, 1 assist, 11 digs

Kaylee Terrell 2 kills, 3 aces, 2 assists, 4 digs

Junior Varsity Results

Astros 2, Blue Lions 0

Taylor Brown 7 kills, 2 blocks, 1 assist, 7 serves

Haley Carroll 3 seves, 6 passes

Kendall DeBold 5 passes

Leighton Hale 6 serves

Maci Lilly 7 kills, 4 assist, 6 serves,

Madison Roberts 5 serves, 2 passes

Kimber Seaman 2 assists, 4 serves, 2 aces, 4 digs, 3 passes

Taylynn Spurlock 5 kills, 10 assists, 5 serves, 2 aces

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